Maison Lameloise Shanghai Director Pierre Lafargue
多年来,上海已经聚集了很多米其林星级餐厅和大牌厨师。作为全中国乃至全亚洲的地标,上海作为Maison Lameloise在Burgundy以外第一家餐厅最合适不过了。 Chef Eric Pras 和他的团队们很荣幸带您来一起领略上海Maison Lameloise的风采。
Over the years, Shanghai has gathered Michelin-starred restaurants and reputed chefs. As a global Asian and international city, Shanghai is the perfect place for Maison Lameloise to develop and open its first restaurant outside Burgundy. Chef Eric Pras and the team behind this project are full of excitement and very pleased to let you discover Maison Lameloise Shanghai.
在1921年法国一个叫沙尼的小镇上,一个名叫莱美露滋的餐厅开始了属于它自己的传奇。历经三代,Pierre, Jean and JacquesLameloise始终向世人展示着米其林最高三星荣誉的最高料理艺术。时至今日,这一传奇仍被法国著名传奇厨师Eric Pras延续着。
In 1921, in Chagny, France, a restaurant named Lameloises started its own legend . Through three generations, Pierre, Jean and Jacques Lameloise carried their culinary art to the Michelin’s highest honor of three stars. Until today, the legend is kept on growing by the legendary French chef Eric Pras.
Eric Pras 是法国著名的、被米其林指南列为三星的厨师。在 2004 年他获得了“法国最佳工艺大师”(Meilleur Ouvrier de France ,简称 M.O.F)的殊荣。
Eric Pras is a famous French chef, rated three stars by the Guide Michelin. In 2004, Chef Pras was given the Award of the Best Craftsmen in France (Meilleur Ouvrier de France)
从欧洲到亚洲,从法国到上海,在 Eric Pras 的带领下,Maison Lameloise 正在为全球的专业食客 提供更加令人惊艳的菜肴和优质的服务而奋力迈进,因此,才有了 Maison Lameloise Shanghai。 作为全中国乃至全亚洲的地标,在这片愈加国际化的土地上,汇集了全球顶尖的米其林餐厅与名厨。
From Europe to Asia, from France to Shanghai, Chef Eric Pras lead Maison Lameloise to offer stunning dishes and high-quality service to guests from all over the world.
餐厅位于上海中心的68楼,通过窗户入眼的将是令人震撼的上海夜景和著名的外滩万国博览群建筑。在钢筋水泥包裹下的 Maison Lameloise (莱美露滋)上海店承诺将通过一道道田园诗般的料理将您从上海带往沙尼。“传统即创新”的核心理念与上海的奇妙的海派风情与饮食文化进行结合,莱美露滋即将呈现在食客眼前的是最精致独一无二的料理。
In order to show the unique dishes to our gourmet guests in Shanghai, Maison Lameloise is balancing the “Tradition is innovation” philosophy with Shanghai history and cuisine culture together perfectly.
From the 68th floor of the city’s highest tower, the restaurant offers one of the most spectacular view over Shanghai and the Bund. An idyllic dining experience inside the glass-and- metal masterpiece of Maison Lameloise Shanghai promises to carry its clientele away from Shanghai to Chagny.
CrazyRouge & Giancarlo Mossi
Here is the menu...Cheers!